Hats off to the Indian school of metaphysics which has gratified the humanity by harbouring with a gift that happens to be the Jagannath culture, an embodiment of submility .
It is a hardly a hyperbole that the Jagannath cultural tradition is the solitary emblem of harmony and pathos which can navigate the universe through the circumstances however perilous it may be and unify it to a single conscience coupled with compassion. When Bhagwan Jagannath was adorably bathe on his exquisitely designed platform on the 4th June 2023 with a magnificent function, he at random fell sick . This time he is down with fever , as such, he is in the state of recuperating. He will repose for a period of 15 days during which his a public view is strictly restricted. Only his servitors appointed there, are allowed that too, for rendering compulsory services in order to comfort it at the time of his ailing health. They attend to him with elaborate care so as to cure him. Initially, from June 14 ( the eleventh day in dark lunar fortnight) , Bhagwan will be anointed thoroughly with an amalgamation of seasame seeds oil and camphor for five days ceaselessly. It is termed as fulery oil in the lingua- franca which is inserted in an earthen pot underground. It is preserved for a year to amplify its healing power. It is procured after a year for smearing Bhagwan. A specially prepared salubrius concoction along with some herbal medicines is administered as duly prescribed by an “Ayurveda” of which exponent is Bhagwan himself.
A nutritious regimen is maintained to avoid any inconvenience.
The above mentioned ritual is called “Ghasalagi”. On June 18 Bhagwan would experience a little exertion. An all out service will be volunteered in order to treat him well. During his corporal disturbance, his natural hue dims, so all his four forms are again dyed with
their own preferred colour that is good omen. This custom is “Vanlagi . His “Netrostav” ceremony is performed too, in which his eyes will be beautified by applying collyrium.
When he completely convalesces he is adorned soberly by captivating costume and cosmetics.At last, Bhagwan will emerge at “Anvasarpindi” in an utterly jovial and a renewal jesture to condescend the whole cosmos on the 9th June. It is the spectacle of Bhagwan’s navyouvan bhesh. It portrays him as the one who has retrieved the vivacity of life a young one is supposed to have.
The Jagnnath Temple Administration will celebrate all these festivals with full gusto under the aegis of SNSS in a well planned system that is ascribed to the collaborative
Style of functioning of Shri Ravindra Nath Pradhan (Secretary, SNSS).